What is EMR/EMF?

What is EMR?

EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) is a term used to describe invisible forms of man-made frequencies, transmitted through the atmosphere. Some common forms of EMR include TV and radio waves, microwaves, radar, x-rays etc.

What is EMF?

EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) is a term used to describe the invisible electric and magnetic fields radiating away from man-made alternating electrical current. EMF radiate from all electrical appliances in the home, office or factory, in cars, trucks and buses, and overhead tram and train lines.

What is Ionising Radiation?

Ionising radiation such as x-ray can be strong enough to break down atoms.

Electrostatic, electric and magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves are classed as non-ionising radiation.

Science now acknowledges many things that are invisible to the senses and once considered harmless. Radioactivity, microwaves, x-rays etc are now commonly known to be harmful; communications and electricity have become so much a part of our lives that it is hard to question their unseen effects

Electricity and Humans

No human has lived an entire life time (70+ years) surrounded by these appliances. At present our society considers all these things essential and irreplaceable, both economically and politically, to the extent that we can not judge objectively the effects that these man-made non-ionising electrical fields/radiations have on our bodies.
Water which contains minerals is a very efficient conductor of electrical energy. The human body, being approximately 75% mineralised water, is a proficient collector and conductor of electrical frequencies.

How to test your proficiency as an EMR receiver.

Unplug the TV antenna at the TV set. The picture will be poor. Make finger contact with the antenna port on your set, and you'll see a great improvement in the reception. Your body is probably receiving transmissions for the TV as proficiently as the antenna on your roof. Your body’s reception is the same for all electrical frequencies, radar, radio, microwave (mobile phone) etc.  
Just as TV and radio reception can be affected by external electrical interference, so too can your body. We humans have a very delicate electrical system, which can be interfered with by our electrical surroundings. This interference can contribute to energy imbalances within our bodies, possibly leading to disease.


Dr. Bruce Hocking conducted a health study in a 4km zone surrounding Sydney (Australia) TV towers. Though frequencies of transmissions of TV towers and mobile base stations are different, they are closely related on the frequency spectrum. Both are 1,000 times lower than the present 'Australian' standard.
Dr. Hocking found that children living within a 4km radius of television towers had a 60% higher incidence of leukemia than children who lived further from the towers and there was a far greater risk of dying from the disease. Dr Hocking also found a slightly increased rate of adult cancer in the study area than beyond it.
N. Pearce et ak, Case Control Studies of Cancer in New Zealand Electrical Workers. International Journal of Epidemiology Vol 18, No 1. 1989, pp55-9
...Pearce found that Electrical workers in New Zealand had a higher incidence of leukemia, particularly those who were exposed to radio frequency radiation in their work repairing radio or television...
Dr. Soma sarka, India. ...Found that exposing mice to the same "safe" levels of EM radiation caused a "rearrangement" of the DNA in their brains and testes...(ibid). 
The New Zealand Education Dept has decided not to allow mobile phone towers to be situated in schools, as a result of the work of Dr. Neil Cherry.


USSR has adopted a standard for public exposure of  5 microwatts/cm2 (compared to a 200 microwatts/cm2 in Australia and NZ)
The Australian recommended IRPA 1995 standard is 1000mG for exposure 24 hours at home and 5000mG continual exposure in the workplace.
The Swedish safety standard from VDUs at 30cm is 2.5mG


"Australian standards (AS 2772) governing mobile base stations is inadequate because it protects the public from heating associated with radiation and not with the more subtle biological effects that are indicated by present research"  Dr. Cherry (1995 NZ).

For Further Information your local library may have these titles:

"Cross Currents"           R Becker
"Terminal Sickness"     P Bentham.