Spirit Plate - Small

Every now and then there comes a new product that can have outstanding effects in your life. The product I am talking about is the new Tesla's Spiritual Plate or the TSP for short.

The name of this product gives you some idea of what it is used for. But to understand this properly you are going to need some form of reference why these words were chosen.

The word spiritual: this refers to something more than just our physical being. It can be many different things to different people but none the less it refers to our ability to connect to something more than ourselves. One of the jobs of the new Tesla's Spiritual Plate is to open and clear the mechanism in our physical body that allows us to connect to the spiritual side of our lives.

The new Tesla's Spiritual Plate is designed to lift you up from low thinking and to help you to go forward and embrace life with colour.

The Tesla's Spiritual Plate comes in two sizes large and small. The smaller one works particular well with teenagers and younger as well as pets.

Both sizes have a similar nature to personal pendants in as much as they attach to the owner of the plate. For this reason the plate should never be given away, though you can give it to other people to use it while they are in your presence.

It is not possible for specific design requests, but it is okay to request general blue, gold, or merge colours in the "comments" box at checkout. We will endeavour to accommodate that request if suitable items are in stock at the time.

Sample photos are indicative only.